Undergraduate research—nationally recognized as a high-impact practice—is particularly strong on campus. 由来自多个学科的教员组成的委员会领导, Montana Tech’s undergraduate research program offers several ways for students—from freshmen to seniors—to get involved, collaborate with faculty, 并做出推进知识和技术前沿的发现. 研究办公室管理该项目并支持教务委员会. 研究计划只为学生提供了一个参与研究的途径. 其他途径包括加入一个资助的研究项目, 在校内蒙大拿州矿业和地质局(MBMG)工作, or working for Montana Tech’s Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP), or 环境修复与评价中心, 或者进行研究和准备毕业论文. Montana Tech also encourages students interested in research or graduate school to spend a summer doing research on campus or at another university or major research laboratory as a paid participant in a summer Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) program. 蒙大拿州理工大学的URP学生也有机会在区域会议上展示他们的成果, national, and international conferences.
The Undergraduate Research Program has three types of opportunities: traditional academic year undergraduate research in collaboration with a faculty member (URP); faculty-mentored and designed research project for a team of freshmen and sophomores (RAMP); and the paid Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). All of these options are available both to students interested in research and in those whose projects would be public health internships (PHI). These opportunities are described below. Please contact the URP committee at urp@kedr24.com with any questions.
The Undergraduate Research Committee is pleased to open the call for proposals for the Undergraduate Research Program/Public Health Internship.
The proposal submittal and due date is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6, 2022. (Late proposals will not be accepted).
将提案文件和封面以PDF格式发送至 urp@kedr24.com. (具体说明见指引)不接受硬拷贝.
For more information, see attached guidelines 详细说明学生资格和义务,以及提案准备.
Undergraduate students wishing to participate in the Undergraduate Research Program must submit a proposal. 有关提交提案的更多信息,请访问 program guidelines and application page.
每名参加整个学年的全日制学生将获得1美元,500 scholarship, with half provided at the start of the fall semester and half provided at the start of the spring semester. For purposes of the awards, research is broadly defined and may include investigations of a cultural or historical question, documentary or production arts, as well as laboratory or field research more typically associated with the science or engineering disciplines. Students must be in good academic standing. Bachelor’s-degree-seeking students must be enrolled in at least 12 credits plus at least 1 URP credit to be eligible. 副学士学位课程的学生必须修满9个学分加上1个URP学分. 奖学金金额将按比例给予副学士学位学生, 谁注册了少于12学分的课程.
Please note: students should develop their proposals with the assistance of their Research Supervisor/Mentor. The Proposal must follow the guidelines.
The Undergraduate Research Committee is pleased to open the call for proposals for the Spring 2023 Session of the Research Assistant Mentorship Program (RAMP). This program is for freshman, sophomore, and junior-level researchers (less than 90 credits of completed coursework) that have not participated in formal URP funded research before. Ideally full-time faculty members will assemble teams of 3 researchers for spring semester research projects.
提案(最多3页)应由教师导师起草并提交给 urp@kedr24.com no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday December 7, 2022. 提交提案的详细信息和所需的封面随附. No late proposals will be accepted.
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program is designed to provide an intensive, 为少数菲律宾十大彩票平台学院本科生提供深入的暑期研究经验. 提案由教师导师撰写并提交. Projects span 9-10 summer weeks, 学生全职工作(每周40小时)或半全职工作(每周20小时), for a proportionally reduced stipend). SURF students participate in five lunch-time professional development workshops over the summer and present a poster at Montana Tech’s SURF symposium in early August. Individual and small-team projects are allowed.
Some Montana Tech faculty have received funded research grants through various external agencies and many include undergraduate students as hourly employees on these projects. Talk to faculty in your department, CAMP, MBMG, or in the department doing the kind of research you are interested in to find out what opportunities are available.
In addition, 许多大学和联邦实验室都有本科生研究项目, 通常被称为“本科生研究经历”(REU).“11月到2月是这些网站邀请申请的时间. The links below, many others, 你所在学科的专业协会会有最新的信息, as will Montana Tech’s Career Services Office.
The following programs are offered through other institutions and may be available to Montana Tech students:
We are here to answer your questions, 并将您与合适的资源联系起来,以优化研究, growth, and discovery.
MUS 210, 212, 213
(406) 496-4106